Autel IM608 Pro vs IM608 vs IM508: What's the difference?
Autel MaxiIM IM608 and IM508 are all-in-one one-button programming and diagnostic tools that perform versatile full system diagnostic and anti-theft functions. Different prices and different features. How to choose IM608 or IM508?
The Autel MaxiIM IM608 and IM608 Pro and IM508
Autel MaxiIM IM608 and IM608 Pro have the same functionality and hardware, with the only difference being that the IM608Pro and XP400 Pro and the IM608 and XP400 have better IMMO functionality. The IM608 has better key programming and diagnostic capabilities than the Autel MaxiIM IM508, but with the addition of the XP400 or XP400 Pro to the IM508, it has the same or better IMMO capabilities as the IM608.
For IMMO function: IM608 Pro = IM508 + XP400 Pro> IM608 = Autel IM508 + XP400> IM508 For
If you need to use Japanese cars (Toyota, Suzuki, Mitsubishi, Honda) and other cars, but not European car key programming (Mercedes Benz, etc.). You can also choose the AutelMaxi IMIM508 if you do not need a powerful system-wide diagnostic.
When to choose AutelMaxi IMIM508 + XP400 Pro?
If you have purchased the AutelMaxi IM tool for key programming and need to do key programming for BMW, or Benz, we recommend purchasing IM508 + XP400 Pro. It is more economical and affordable than the IM608 and has the most powerful Autel IMMO features.
When to choose Autel MaxiIM IM608 / 608 Pro?
If you need powerful key programming and diagnostics, you can buy the best all-in-one key programming and diagnostic tools, IM608 or IM608Pro.
Comparison video of IM508 and IM608
Comparison chart of IM508 and IM608 Pro
★ Standard Functions ▲Need extra adapters △ Need XP400 Pro ○ Need XP400 Pro and extra adapters
EEPROM Read/Write
MCU Read/Write
Immobilizer Read/Write
Engine Read/Write
Mercedes Infrared Key Read/Write
Remote Frequency Detection
Smart Mode(Guided and Automated Key Learning Function)
Auto Detect Make/Model/Year/System
Read PIN(Add Key/All Key Lost)
Key Generation/Key Learning/Remote Learning
IMMO ECU Reset/Adaption
IMMO ECU Refresh/Coding
Backup/Restore IMMO Data
BENZ 3rd Generation IMMO Add Key, All Key Lost via OBD
EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory) programming is a process that enables locksmiths to access and modify your vehicle’s immobilizer data. When all keys are lost, an EEPROM read-out allows a professional locksmith to reset the immobilizer, making it accessible to program new keys without getting to the original key data. This process is particularly valuable for newer vehicles with advanced immobilizer systems.
When it comes to vehicle diagnostics and repair, having the right tools at your disposal is essential for efficiency and accuracy. Bi-directional control scanners, offering advanced features that significantly enhance the capabilities. But what exactly is bi-directional control, and how can it benefits you?
If your vehicle has triggered a P0700 trouble code, it indicates a transmission control system malfunction. This code doesn’t pinpoint the specific issue but acts as a general warning that something is wrong with the transmission. To get to the root of the problem, a professional diagnostic tool like Autel scanners can provide in-depth insights and accurate troubleshooting.
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