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2019 Good Tyre Pressure Sensors to recommend for Winter/Snow Tire Exchange

AUTEL 315Mhz&433Mhz 2IN1Sensors. These are fantastic sensors. They work in almost any car. I've really happy with these tpms sensors and I want to help clear things up.
autel 315mhz & 433mhz sensor

Two things need to occur for these to work and for your car to recognize them (which will turn off TPMS sensor light warning).

First: Understand TPMS sensors broadcast their ID # and the current tire pressure. Your car will ignore them unless it knows to look for them. Imagine that your car has a spreadsheet with 4 or 5 slots for your 4 tires and possibly one spare, and that spreadsheet says TIRE1: 123456, TIRE2: ABCDEF, TIRE3: 140GNB, TIRE4: 20RMS0. If those TPMP sensors are not programmed to read 123456, ABCDEF, 140GNB, 20RMS0, then your car will give a warning light. It will also give a warning light of the TPMS are broken or the tire pressure is too low. The codes do not have to be what I listed, but just understand they are random letters and numbers and are stored in your car. You can change that 'spreadsheet' in your car if your sensors already have ID #'s, but you need a tool to do so.

To install:
1: Install the sensor in the wheel and PROGRAM it. Programming the sensor means you take an Autel or Bartec TPMS programmer and give these sensors an ID. They come BLANK so they WILL NOT WORK without programming them. Give them a code. PROTIP: If you can figure out the codes of each of your current or old tires/TPMS sensors (or at least the ones the car recognizes), you can program these sensors to match the old sensors and everything will magically work. You won't even need to do step 2 to get rid of that TPMS warning light.

2. Program your car to recognize the new TPMS sensor ID's. If you buy these sensors, the easiest thing to do is make them match your old sensor ID's that your car already recognizes. No matter what you do though, if you create new sensor ID's, you need to tell your car what those new ID's are. This can be done with more advanced Autel or Bartec TPMS machines. Your dealership can do this as well. THERE IS ONE MORE STEP: Hit the TPMS reset button in your car. It's typically a small black button located under the steering wheel, probably way lower at the bottom of the plastic by your legs. This, contrary to popular belief, is not something that reprograms the car to learn new sensors. All this does is make the car re-learn which of the 4 tires on the spreadsheet are in which location (front left, back right, etc..). This is only necessary for cars that display individual tire pressures.

That is all. If you want to know what your current sensor IDs are so you can use these to program those same ID's to make this whole process faster, most auto shops (Autozone, O'Reilys, etc..) will let you borrow one for free. HOWEVER, none that I could find let you use one at all with programming capabilities. Most tire shops I contacted will program these sensors and program my car for about $6 a tire... but most also wanted me to make an appointment. Just to give rough numbers I was finding.
install tpms sensors
Hope this helps at least one person who wants to buy cheap sensors but doesn't really know what they do. These versions are programmable which is absolutely not necessary unless you either want these for lots of different types of cars, or if you want these to match your current tires (either because they broke or because you have 2 sets of wheels (summer/winter) and want to change them without having o reprogram the car.

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